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Williams Animation

WILLIAMS Animation

social media video graphics

The brief:
Design and build an animated video graphic to illustrate weekly race events. The concept needs to be flexible, fun, engaging, easy to update, appeal to the younger demographic, with fresh content on a weekly basis and sit well on all Williams social media platforms.


The response:
I started by researching alternative graphics that would work with the concept of story telling. This research lead me to the development of a fun comic book theme. Each week I would work closely with our in-house comms team aplanning the content we wanted to portray and so the story would develop. Using this, I then began building animated templates in Adobe After Effects and created a flat comic book template in Indesign. This bought to life the comic book idea in an animated form and told the story by moving across the page. Focusing on the text blocks and key images, it would then zoom out as the pages turned and repeated the cycle. I added a fun soundtrack which helped to tie everything together and bring the story to life. This concept worked really well, was hugely successful over our social media platforms and gave the fans a highlighted overview of each of the recent events in a different format to all other race teams within the industry.


© 2020 Williams Grand Prix Engineering Limited All Rights Reserved




Williams Martini Social Comic front
Williams Martini Social Comic
Williams Martini Social Comic 1
Williams Martini Social Comic 2
Williams Martini Social Comic 3
Williams Martini Social Comic 4
Williams Martini Social Comic 5
Williams Martini Social Comic 5
Williams Martini Social Comic
Williams Martini Social Comic 6
Williams Martini Social Comic 7